Where: Kibune (north of Kyoto)
When: Saturday June 15, 2008
Info: Kibune is a small mountain town located about an hour from Kyoto. In the summer months it is a popular destination for kawadoko dining. This is involves eating your meal while seated on platforms suspended just above or near the flowing waters of the river. Kyoto is crazy hot in the summer and apparently, it can feel up to five degrees cooler when sitting on these platforms in Kibune! Oh, and the view is pretty amazing too!
We took a private train line to Kibune and then walked into the town. The road to the town with quite beautiful, lined with cedar forests on one side and the river on the other. The weather turned out to be cool and cloudy but luckily it didn't rain. We were looking for a specific restaurant (Hirobun) located near the beginning of the river restaurants, or in other words, closer to the top of the mountain. It was supposed to have one of the best views of any restaurant in Japan and it didn't disappoint. My jaw almost dropped when I saw where we were going to be eating! Check out the little waterfall!
I was a lot cooler on once we were on the platforms (Truthfully, I was freezing...) and I can imagine that in the August/September heat of Japan this would be REALLY nice. We had to wait for a while since they could only seat about 8 people at a time. All of these people were here for the nagashi somen.
Those little bundles of noodles move quick! I was so busy taking pictures and video that I missed my first bunch. Oh well, not to worry, there was plenty (more somen than I've ever eaten before!). You had to move your chopsticks fast but once you had a grip on the noodles, the little bundle was easy to pick up, dip into your sauce/broth and enjoy.
Blogger is being difficult right now and is refusing to upload my video! So instead here's a link to Elspeth's video (which is better than mine anyways)
(We passed some VERY straight cedar forests...and commented on how very Japanese they looked. No leaning trees here...)
(Restaurants facing the kamogawa river in Kyoto)
(Elysaar and Elspeth enjoying their parfaits!)
Hilarious. A day of catching noodles shooting down a tube, eating on a platform over a river, parfaits, a shirt with my name on it, purikura, sushi and Kyoto?! Sounds pretty darn perfect.
Stay tuned for an amazing story about the following day...think kimonos, make-up and the highest platform shoes I've ever worn...bet you're interested now. muhuuhaaahaaa!!