Friday, February 16, 2007

Here fishy, fishy, fishy!

Date: December 30, 2006
Location: Osaka Aquarium (Kaiyukan)
Info: I love aquariums. While my favourite is still the Monterray Bay Aquarium, Kaiyukan is a close second. It is designed around the theme of the Pacific Rim. You take an escalator up to the top (where there are sea otters, seals, etc) and then wind your way around the enormous centre Pacific Ocean tank. They are famous for their whaleshark, jellyfish (my fav) and huge spider crabs.

The day I went they were having a 'penguin parade'. There was a huge pile of snow in front of the aquarium and the penguins were hanging out. Why the guy was there in a cow costume I don't know (below).

The popular whaleshark. It took me forever to get these shots because the thing just swam in a circle near the top for almost 20 minutes, before deciding to take a quick swim around the rest of the tank.

The little sardines were my favourite. They swam so fast, around and around this rock! You can watch them swim HERE.

This tank contained a ton of different fish but I think most of the Japanese visitors enjoyed the large tuna. I heard cries of 'maguro' and I'm sure at some point everyone was thinking about how much sushi you could get from one tuna (I know I was). One couple thought ahead and brought a sushi lunch, which they ate on a bench by the tank. Somehow this seemed a bit wrong...

Remember: Don't surf on the stingrays or a shark with arms and legs will come and eat you.

The crazy spider crabs were HUGE. It was eerie because they were all just standing really still in the tank...and there was the one that was sitting down...

I remember when I came here with my family enjoying the jellyfish exhibit and it is still my favourite part of the aquarium. They are so beautiful and graceful but at the same time they terrify me...

These little guys (below) were in a special exhibit for the new year. If you look closely, you can see that they do kind of resemble little boars, with their brown and white stripes.

Osaka Port area: contains lots of shops and restaurants (surprise, surprise) and a very expensive ferris wheel (I did not go on...just took pictures of it).


taryn said...

Laura, these pics are amazing! I can't believe the colour, and the clarity, and... oh man. They're just so cool. Well, i definitely know what to get you for whenever it is that you finally come back to Canada (picture frames!)

Anonymous said...

I concur... many many picture frames. Oh, and movie passes... I miss my theatre buddy and getting irritated by talking people every single time we caught a flick at AMC.

Question: How into Valentines are the Japanese? I'm most definitely Valentined out.


Steph said...

Valentine's Day can be summed up by one word: BARF. It's not enough that people act dweeby the day of, but then you have to hear people pontificate about their heart-shaped box of chocolates after the fact as well.

End Rant. Begin Rave.

Ack! Those pictures are AMAZING. I am SO JEALOUS that you got to see all that; you know how I feel about the sea (runs a close race with dinosaurs and pirates... but you know, pirates sailed the high seas, so that one's a bit more understandable). Anyway, all of it looked so cool, but I agree that the jellyfish seemed the best. To be honest, I don't think I've seen a real live jellyfish. Any Spongebob sightings?

Laura said...

Hey guys, glad you enjoy the pics.

Fil - the movie-watching experience is so different here! You are usually assigned a seat and NO ONE talks. It is completely silent...

Valentines Day in Japan is so weird. On Feb 14th most girls make chocolate (that's right I wrote "make" because obviously school girls who study ALL day have nothing better to do) to give to friends and boys they like. Then on March 14th (White Day) the boys get to buy chocolate and candy to give to girls. Can we say OVERKILL!?!?! And I thought one Valentine's day was one too many...

Anonymous said...

That picture isn't a reminder NOT to surf the stingray. Its a reminder that riding a stringray is fun, especially when being chased by a half bird, half shark, half something-with-fingers, half thing-with-flipperish feet.


(if it was a reminder NOT to do it.. why would the person be happy?)

Anonymous said...

Oh man.. Laura.. have you heard the handicaped helper for the "word verification" below? Click the wheelchair beside the place where you put in the random set of letters. Its freakin scary!


m@tEo said...

Ok. I'm officially confused with how I'm supposed to post on your blog because everything's in kanji?!! Huh? Anyhow, I really enjoyed your aquarium entry - loved the pics and comments, esp. the one about surfing on a manta ray! Funny! And, you know what? I'll remember the warning. See you in the office.

Elspeth said...

So full of shiny! Gotta love the graphics on Japanese signs. :) The other day I saw one that was about crossing a street and the stick people were very squiggily. Seriously odd.