Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Japanese New Year


-Cleaning the house in preparation for the new year (I got to help change the paper in the shoji screens)

[Mom & Dad - doesn't this remind you of what your adorable daughter did to your Japanese lanterns when she was small?? ]

[Mayumi-san and I posing with the finished product. After being sprayed with water and left to dry, they were perfect]

-Lunch was home-made takoyaki! YUMMY!!

[The special takoyaki cooker]

[I got to practice my takoyaki flipping technique...lets just say I won't be getting a festival job making takoyaki anytime soon]

-New Year's Eve dinner was Korean BBQ (Aaron, check out that Japanese beef!!)
[Drool! I haven't seen this much beef since leaving Canada]

-New Year's Eve TV show: The Red and White (guys vs. girls) New Year's Eve Competition (I have video that I will post at a later date...don't you worry)(It was an amazing combination of modern and traditional style singing, with celebrities like Ken Watanabe as judges)

[This group got into trouble for having fake nudity in their performance...more disturbing to me was the main rapper/singer dressing up like a clown]

[The Japanese version of Christina Aguliera - yes, her dress was see-through]

[Japanese version of n'sync]

[Japan's Justine Timberlake]

[The men won this year]

MIDNIGHT: akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!!

-Midnight soba noodles (for longevity)

-First visit to the local temple and shrine (at the temple we all rang the huge bell!)


-Brunch (Can you believe how beautiful this food looks?! Yamamoto-san had been cooking for days and she must have gotten up really early to finish it all!)

-Yamamoto-san, Mayumi-san and I travelled to Kyoto to visit Heian Jingu.

Experiencing New Year's in Japan was amazing! So many new sights, tastes, practices...I can't begin to describe it all! Thank you Yamamotos!!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Yamamotos have given you an experience of a lifetime. I have to say we are envious. The Yamamotos went out of their way to make your Japanese New Year's experience one you will never forget. The food looked AMAZING!! They embraced you into their family. Going back to work is going to be DIFFICULT.
Take caare and BE SAFE.
LOVE, Mom, Dad and Christopher

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Laura! Your pictures are soo fabulous! and the food looks sooo yummy! I hope you're enjoying Japan, and we miss you! Looking forward to hearing/reading about more of your adventures!

Warm wishes!

Anonymous said...

Laura (Its Christopher),
Sorry I haven't commented or emailed you in a while! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the ninja cloth. It is currently on my left speaker.. the bear in soup card is on my right (Chelsea loves hers as well).
Thank you!
Christopher (Elliott)