Thursday, June 05, 2008

いちご 大福

Ichigo daifuku are mochi cakes stuffed with a strawberry and anko (sweetened azuki bean paste). They are a most wonderful invention. Then we (me, Justine and Elspeth) found an ice cream version. Heaven help me...

According to Elspeth, 'it means big happiness in the kanjiness.' (Thanks for the translation of the kanjiness, Elz!)


Elspeth said...

I totally want one of those now!! Too much weirdly good ice cream in this country.

Steph said...

Oh man, those look SO good, and like exactly the kind of treats Tony and I seek out at the international market in Nashville. Our favorite are these waffle ice cream bars that look like fish, and that have chocolate and red bean paste in them, and mochi! I think we're the only people who buy them, but whatevs: more for us!

Unknown said...

36 days and counting.........