Thursday, October 04, 2007

Obon Vacation: The final installment


After a long, hot and uncomfortable bus ride from Kanazawa we arrived in Shirakawa-go. This World Heritage site is a grouping of traditional gassho-zukuri houses in the mountains. The traditionally thatched-roof farmhouses are still lived in today, although most are minshuku (kind of like a B&B) or museums.

The houses have very steep roofs to prevent the snow from piling up and damaging the houses.

The weather was actually pretty nice while we were there. We (and about a million other tourists) walked around the village. We didn't go into the houses (too hot and full of Japanese tour groups) and instead walked up a hill to the Ogimachi Lookout site.

What a view.

After walking around the village and relaxing (there was a breeze!) we caught another stuffy, uncomfortable bus to Takayama. This bus ride was a bit many twists and turns and narrow, narrow Japanese roads. It reminded me of the terrifying ride up Vesuvius....


Glad to be off the bus, we grabbed our luggage and headed to the ryokan. There we cranked up the air conditioning and relaxed. Our dinner was insanely huge (and delicious). After dinner we walked around the town (I had never walked around Takayama at night before) and then returned to the ryokan.

The next day was the hottest of the whole trip and we ended up doing some shopping and then catching an earlier train home. It was just too insanely hot to be outside. When we got back from Nagoya we stopped to pick up my parents' new glasses (and I um, may have gotten another pair!) and then watched House at my place.

My parents stayed another day in Nagoya before heading to the Yamamotos and then home. It had been so great to show my parents my life in Japan and to have them meet some of my friends/co-workers. Best of all, it was fun to just hang out with them! Thanks, mum and dad! I can't wait to see you two (and Christopher!) at Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Glasses eh? I'm thinking getting a new prescription and picking up a couple pairs may be in order, if they're as cost-effective as you say.

We will indeed speak more of this.

Planning is slowly coming along. Many an idea will be bounced off you on Sat.

'til then,

Anonymous said...

A GREAT OBON HOLIDAY!! Even though we suffered through the HEAT WAVE we had a fabulous time being with YOU. We loved meeting your new friends and co-workers and seeing your cute apartment. We saw some great places, ate fabulous food and sweated together...such memories.
Can't wait to see you at Christmas.

Love, Mom and Dad and Christopher

Anonymous said...

Such a super cute village! It almost doesn't look real because of how picturesque it is.

It sounds like you had a great vacation - I'm glad your parents were able to make it out... and that you'll be coming home for Christmas! Woo hoo!