Thursday, February 28, 2008

According to my students...

  • an ideal wife is, 'someone who loves housekeeping and whose cooking is excellent.'
  • an ideal husband is, 'someone who listens to his wife and children and whose salary is high.'

And my students wonder why I don't have a Japanese boyfriend....Is there anyone out there who loves housekeeping??!! Good grief!


Fil said...

I had this whole witty comment prepared, but realized the sarcasm doesn't translate so well into print.

I've really nothing left to say.

Elspeth said...

I wish I could say that it's just the crazy Obu students who have that opinion, but over here in Akaike they say almost the exact same thing. Sometimes they'll add 'who works hard' into the husband's definition.


Steph said...

Well, Tony loves to keep things tidy around the apartment, while I am an excellent cook... so does that mean that together we are the ideal wife?

Miss you tons, Laura! I hope that you're having some great adventures that you'll post about soon!