Thursday, March 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Dr.Fil! (Sorry this is late!)

I wish you were here so that we could go on a crazy trip, eat some yummy food and take purikura!


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope all is going well. Hope to see you sometime soon.
Love the Elliotts

Fil said...

Thanks Elliotts... all of you.

And Laura, if I could sneak back to Japan to visit, I'd be there in a flash. As it stands, I'm 100% off to that speck of an island come late August, so who knows what little travel plans we may have in store in the future. (Saba's not so exciting, so probably not there.)


Ps. Tiff has some news.... and since she flies out Friday for Africa (for 2 months), I don't have to feel bad about spoiling it. She just bought a condo in Ottawa today. Our little Tiffany, a home owner. (Aaron is feeling a little ... what's the word he was using in Christmas?). Maybe a roadtrip in August is in store to check out her new abode before I head down south...

Pps. Thanks for the Paris/Dublin info. I will keep you in mind while I wander the Parisian streets. Unfortunately your Paris place costs too much for a single, and my grant covers Dublin (wasn't sure what dates were covered when I emailed you about it), but I'll be checking the blog for things to see/do for sure.

Ppps. I've got media. You have a yearning for some new North American TV/movies? Gimme a list.

Elspeth said...

Happy Birthday Fil!!! It was so great to finally meet you! Yay for friends of Laura visiting Japan when I'm around to meet them!!

Hope it was a good one!


Fil said...

Indeed it was/still is. Went out mid-snow storm Sat with a few friends... was a rather eventful, yet hazy affair. Then bday with the fam on Tue night, lunch with friends today, and drinks with another tonight (til about 2:30 am - oh, work will indeed suck tomorrow), and the final blowout will be tomorrow night with a whole crowd of folk. Clearly bringin' in age 26 like a rock star! Oh, followed by lunch with Nonna on Sunday and St Pat's festivities somewhere along the way. Yes, life is good (although my liver may not agree).

Hope all is well over in the East. I hope I'll be able to see you in T.O. one of these days... or dans la Caribbean?
