Saturday, March 08, 2008

Just Rip It.

The past two weeks have been a challenge, to say the least. First I got REALLY sick. I developed a sore throat and lost my voice which meant I had to stay home from work. That weekend I started to feel better but then developed a nasty cough. Last Thursday I went to work and after teaching my first class my manager sent me home. Many cough-filled nights later I developed an extremely sore throat again and then my ear started to hurt. Got all that? Well, I finally gave in and went to the doctors. Now I'm slowly on the mend...

As if that wasn't enough I had a special education assignment due this week too. This research paper felt like it was never ending..and I actually had to resort to drinking the infamous Rip It. Can you believe it Steph? I brought it all the way here, intending to drink it when I first landed in Japan so that I wouldn't fall asleep and end up in Tokyo on my first day but I only drank it now. This stuff if powerful. I drank it in the afternoon and I was still wide awake at 2:30am. That's after only sleeping 4 hours the night before.

This weekend Elspeth and I are headed to Tokyo. We are spending Sunday walking around the city and then on Monday we are going to see one of the 3 most famous gardens in Japan (We've both been to the other 2). Also in our plans - some western food (bagels), shopping, and possibly a stop to check out the Tsukiji fish market. In other words, a relaxing, enjoyable weekend after two weeks from hell.

Here are some purikura photos I found on my phone. They are from my favourite machine near Nagoya Station that prints sparkles on the pictures! Sweet. Have a good weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're feeling better. I've always wanted to see Tsukiji fish market and eat fresh sashimi at one of the restaurants there. Have a great weekend in Tokyo. Think of us SHOVELLING OUT yet another SNOW STORM. We'll email you some photos.
Take care and BE SAFE.
Love, Mom and Dad and Christopher

Steph said...

Ahhhh, Rip It! I've managed to avoid it since May of my first year at Grad School. It should really be a controlled substance, because despite the taste, it really does work. My friend Josh (who is addicted to caffeine) said he didn't find it very strong, so I hate to think of what he's drinking...

Hope you're feeling better! Miss you tons!