Friday, July 11, 2008

thank you letter from a 13-year old boy

Dear Laura,

It has been a nice time doing lessons with you. It was only a couple of months that we had lessons but I had a very good time. I hope you have a good time in Canada and will be a good teacher to your students (well you are a good teacher). Oh and I hope you make a boyfriend. Say Hi to your parents, even though they don't know me.

Well, I will play soccer every day and I will study hard (hopefully my grades will go higher). Well that all I've got to talk about. Thank you. bye. K


Anonymous said...

'Oh and I hope you make a boyfriend.'

Classic. Japan can't let you go without one final reminder of how coupley they are. Just be thankful they haven't started playing the Christmas tunes yet...

I'm not really sure this comment makes any sense... on the phone at work right now... see you soon!


Anonymous said...

That has got to be the sweetest letter ever...the 'making of the boyfriend' and the 'your parents not knowing him' parts are awesome! SO cute! Aiya, your empty apartment looks so lonely, but there has been many a happy times initiated there! Can't wait til you're back, I've started our cheese menu already, hehe!
See you very soon,