Thursday, July 20, 2006

Colour the Ball, Colour the Ball, Colour the Ball Blue!

So kids training is over!! Three days of singing songs (this post's title is a song we sing while the little kids colour their work) and playing English games (I totally beat our trainer Andy at Rock,Paper,Scissors) is over and now I'm heading to Obu to teach actual students. Kid's training was less stressful than adult training but just as exhausting. I have all of the songs going around my head at night and I'll find myself eating dinner and randomly singing the 'Good-bye Song' or the 'What's this?' song. It has happened...I have turned into the crazy foreigner.

I just wanted to show everyone the coolest thing about being a pre-school student at AEON. This is called the Mimic-Me and each kid gets one when they buy all of the books. You insert the cartridge for the student's level and then they run the little wand over the pages and it talks and plays music. You may be thinking, but Silly Laura, we have these in Canada! but wait, these things can give you quizzes, check your answers, tell how many times you've run the wand over a picture and when the teacher gives you a sticker it registers the sticker and makes new sounds! The pages are filled with tiny sensors...its so amazing...I want one to learn Japanese. I'd totally be motivated if I had a Mimic-Me that would yell out the words in Japanese when reading a book. Anyhoo, we don't actually teach with these things...

Yesterday was Mateo's birthday and being in the creative kids training mood, Elspeth and I made him a pop-up card. We also found the most random flavoured kitkat bar, which he told us later that it tasted like Fruity Pebbles. Oh Japan...this is why I love you.

We made the card to the tune of 'what's this?' - one of our vocabulary words songs

Well, I'm off to my new hotel in Obu and then on Tuesday I move into my apartment. I'm not sure of the internet situation so I might not be able to post as often, but don't worry, I'll be back!


Steph said...

Good luck with the teaching! I bet none of your Japanese students will be snotty, so that's an upside! Plus, if the AEON commercials with Ewan taught us anything, they're just looking to learn one phrase that they can intone in slightly different ways!

I can't wait for you to finally move into your apartment! Have you met what's-her-face yet (the one with the unfortunate name that I can't remember who is currently in the position that you will be taking over)? Last night as I was walking home from Jenn's there was this rather large creepy bug winding about on the sidewalk, but it was dark so I wasn't sure whether it was a beetle... or something else. Here's hoping that for both of our sakes the only bugs we encounter are in the great outdoors!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like training was a blast - and as for the 'fruit parfait' Kitkat... why do they feel it is necessary to mess with a good thing?

Can't wait to see the pics of your room - and be sure to take photos of the tub, so Aaron'll know what his future sleeping arrangements will look like.

Talk to you soon.

Steph said...

Sue-Ann Fam! That was her name!

Anonymous said...


Lol "unfortunate" is putting it mildly.