Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Training Week Blur

I apologize for not updating this week. Training has been intense. We were in the office for 8 hours a day, I was getting around 5 hours of sleep a night and every other available minute was spent lesson planning or preparing lesson materials! We got our first lesson on Monday, presented it to a trainer on Tuesday, presented the revised lesson on Wednesday to 2 actual Japanese students on Wednesday, taught another lesson on Thursday to the trainers and then taught our last lesson on Saturday to 4 Japanese students. It has been pretty much a blur of notes, lessons and rules.

[from left: David (super crreeeppy), Mateo (my fellow Obu teacher from Hawaii), Becky (from California - she cracks me up!) and Elspeth (my shopping buddy from Washington, D.C.)]

[Tommy (party boy from Orange County) and Neil (lived and went to uni in Wales, but insists he is not Welsh)]

There were 9 trainees (including me) and I liked 6 of the others. Two were super creepy and annoying. Especially one guy who kept talking about how he'd been in the JET program and had dated a Japanese girl (who we later learned was a JET student...making her a high school student?! ICK!!). It was all very awkward and uncomfortable! At night we would all usually get some dinner and then go back to the hotel and lesson plan, lesson plan, lesson plan.

It is interesting working for a Japanese company (AEON is quite a traditional company) especially when you arrive or leave for work. When you arrive you go into the office and say 'ohayoo gozainmasu' (good morning) and bow to everyone in the office. When you leave at the end of the day you say 'osakini shitsurei shimasu' (I'm sorry to leave before you) and bow to the whole office (because Tanaka Kacho, the Education department boss always stays really late). I think I've gotten used to the whole suit thing and I feel really's weird.

After the lesson on Saturday (which went really well and I think the 4 Japanese students enjoyed my lesson) we got our official AEON pins and a stack of business cards(!!). What I realized then was that I now work for the same company that Ewan McGregor worked for!!! That's right, Ewan was an AEON spokesperson a couple years ago (along with Cameron Diaz). For your viewing pleasure, here are Ewan's AEON commerials (This is especially for you, Taryn and Steph!)

After our 'graduation' we went out for dinner to this Chinese restaurant around the corner from the hotel. One of the waitresses there speaks amazing English (not that we needed it because Elspeth, Ultra Creepy David, Tommy and Neil know Japanese) and the food is awesome.

On the way back to the hotel we stopped at the convenience store and Mateo bought an ice cream cone. In Japan you do not eat on the street, or while walking so he received his ice cream cone in a plastic bag to bring with him. Here is how he was able to bring his ice cream cone back to the cracked me up...

Ice cream in a bag

It has a cover made from the cone stuff

When you have arrived back at the hotel, you remove the 'cover' and eat your ice cream. Man, even eating an ice cream in Japan has rules with it.


Anonymous said...

Duuude, those were some HIlarious videos!! Though i'm not quite sure why they chose to sing to the tune of YankeeDoodle, i did really enjoy the "sappy" ones...

So, if you're not allowed to eat your ice cream cone on the street, or while walking, how does it not melt by the time you arrive back home??


Steph said...

Never thought I'd say this but: rock on with those Social Skills, L'Ell! Seems like despite the creeps you've got some really nice people in your midst! I'm glad to see you've got people to keep you company, although at the pace you've been keeping I'm sure there's barely time to feel lonely as it is! You look to be the youngest of the bunch - is that so, or do you just have a youthful air about you the others don't?

Thoughts on the Ewan Ads:
1. Not sure how Ewan yelling "I Love You" to no one several times over constitutes "real communication" BUT I'm not really going to argue with him saying those words over and over again... to meeee! Also, the laughing at the end is *almost* as good as him singing, well, anything!

2. I like that you might learn to angrily (i.e., ironically) express thanks to people. Also, why was he thanking the baby at the end? And is it wrong that I just wanted to be all, "No, Ewan - thank you!"?

3. Love his outfit in the "oh my god" commercial when he is watering the plants and it begins to rain. Also, what sophisticated dialogue they're giving him!

4. Re: singing commerical. Wow. Just, wow. I... huh... there are no words. My mind is totally spun. Why was Ewan necessary for that commercial and does doing something like that make you wonder whether you really are an actor? Because, in case I haven't said it enough, wow.

I'm confident you'll start picking up Japanese really quick, which is going to be awesome. You can do it! Yeah!

That CreepyDavid guy doesn't look so bad in the picture where you're sitting next to him, although it does appear that you left a rather large gap between the two of you...

Why do you not eat on the street in Japan? Enquiring minds want to know! What would happen if you did? Are you allowed to drink beverages?