Sunday, July 22, 2007

I finished it.


Anonymous said...

So here's hoping it let's me leave a comment today - no such luck yesterday.

Anyways, I'm now about pg 200, after reading for a little bit on Sat and Sunday, but won't be able to resume reading until a little later in the week when I get through some revisions. It's been a rather crazy weekend. First off, a family of raccoons decided my parents being away in San Francisco made it the perfect time to take residence in our attic (how they got in there, we're still working on), and second, Frances got engaged (thought you'd enjoy this little tidbit).

So there's my update in life, and talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...

Posted! Success!


Laura said...


1) Tell Frances CONGRATS!!! WOOHOO!!

2) My family knows about raccoons in the attic. If you need advice, contact my dad.

3) I'm currently reading the book for a second time.

Anonymous said...

I'm done now - finally got the chance to get through the rest of the book last night (didn't sleep so much though as a result). Debrief is necessary. I imagine you're going to be a little busy over the next few days though...
