Monday, July 16, 2007

A tiny typhoon & a girl and her unicycle

We've been having some not so nice weather here lately. After five days of rain I was getting a wee bit tired of it. My shoes were constantly wet, my hair was frizzy and it was humid. My computer kept telling me it was going to be sunny but then I'd open my door and see this...

We got news that a typhoon was headed this way (Shinobu and Yasu were actually excited by this news!) and students kept warning me that the trains were going to stop. Luckily, I got home okay Saturday night and we ended up only getting some heavy rain (I heard some other places were pretty badly hit). Sunday morning I woke up and it was sunny and warm. I headed back into Obu to meet one of my ex-students, Yoshinari. He invited me over for a wonderful lunch with delightful wife and daughter.

Their airy and spacious 'mansion' (what the Japanese call large apartments) had a great view of the surrounding area and his wife cooked a delicious lunch. We talked about English conversation schools, cameras, etc. It was really nice.

By the time I was about to leave, it had gotten REALLY windy (check out the picture below). Yoshinari's daughter showed me her unicycle (the grade ones at her school practice unicycling! How cool is that!?) and she was fearless!

They walked/unicycled me back to the train station. It was such a nice afternoon. Thank you Yoshinari for inviting me over for lunch. I will miss our lessons, our conversations and proof-reading your chemistry posters/abstracts (ok maybe not the last one...although I now know more about frozen mouse brains and GABAb receptors than ever before!). Keep in touch!!


Anonymous said...

What a plus... teaching English in Japan and meeting such wonderful and generous people. Living and working in Japan is truly a life altering experience. ENJOY!
Take care and BE SAFE.
Love, Mom and Dad and Christopher

Anonymous said...

Laura... First the typhoon, then the earthquake, followed apparently by nuclear fallout... I'm pretty sure that wasn't happening to near to you, but how's everything going right now?


Anonymous said...

I think it's because Harry Potter is coming. It must be. Who can believe that book seven is coming out so soon? The end is nigh, indeed...


Anonymous said...

"The end" eh? Have you found yourself a decent psychologist Steph? I'm thinking that by about Sunday morning (as you'll most definitely have completed the book by then), you're going to have some pretty significant withdrawal/abandonment issues to deal with. Best of luck to you, and remember, be strong.

